Rubbish follows up their 2012 debut with a raucous and raunchy live release (9.7)

For anyone who says hardcore is dead, I say they’re “dead wrong.” Philly’s Rubbish prove it over and over again on this 2017 release. The album is book-ended with bangers—starting off with the sonic assault of “Partial Birth Abortion” and ending with 2 glorious GG Allin covers, Rubbish proves once again that the spirit of punk rock cannot, and will not die.
Lead singer Brian Rubbish has found new subtleties and nuance in his voice that are impressive to pull off, especially live. Hearing his voice on this recording is a real treat. Especially impressive are his agonized moans on “Young Sluts” and his impassioned cries on “In Crust We Trust.” The crunchy and brutally loud grinding guitar work that Garrett Rubbish pulls off here is unparalleled in Rubbish’s oeuvre. The chugging rhythm work that on the GG covers alone are worth the price of admission. Throughout the entire set, the rhythm section holds down a steady, punchy and utterly in-your-face assault on the senses that merits repeated listening.
Rubbish are an impressive group that have a bright future ahead of them. Their sound is a witches brew that features a handful of Minor Threat, a pinch of Fugazi and a sprinkling of Shy Boyz. Live in a Dive is undoubtedly Album of the Year material, however it was released in 2017, so I cannot put it on my AOTY list for 2019. However, I hope that Rubbish puts out a new release this year so that they can make my list.